Daily Activity in the Classroom
Infants: 0 - rising 3 year olds
8:00am - 1:00pm
Early Drop Off
Children arrive early, settle in. Toddlers are provided full nutritious breakfast, young babies provided their routine milk.
Main morning drop off
Children arrive, settle in and toddlers provided full nutritious breakfast, young babies provided their routine milk.
Activity Cycle
Early Years activities commence: sensory play, music and movement, creative play, pre-literacy, language and speech development.
Children are allowed free movement within the indoor space, and taken regularly to the garden. Snacks provided throughout work cycle.
Lunch (hot meal prepared on-site) and sleep.
Young babies will nap as often as they require.
End of morning session
The children on half day mornings will prepare to leave the nursery for home, having had lunch. They will be ready to collect from the collection zone at 12.45-1pm.
1:00pm - 6:00pm
Drop off for half day afternoon session
The afternoon children arrive at school and settle in.
Main morning drop off
Early Years activities commence: sensory play, music and movement, creative play, pre-literacy, language and speech development.
Children are allowed free movement within the indoor space, and taken regularly to the garden. Snacks provided throughout work cycle.
Aftternoon Tea
Afternoon tea – hot meal prepared on-site.
Structured Play Activity
This will vary from activities such as group music, dance, yoga.
End of afternoon session
Home time for all children except for those booked for Late Pick-Up at 6.30pm.
All children will be ready to collect from the collection zone at 17.45-6pm.

After School Club
Snacks and free play, relaxing activities such
as story time, listening to music, projector displays.
Home Time for all children
Parents need to arrive at 6.25pm to collect children from Main Entrance.