Montessori Curriculum & EYFS
The educational programs at Learning Stars are created with our children’s needs in mind: to mature and develop in a safe yet stimulating environment.
The Montessori method works through the following principles: spiritual development, stimulation, learning through the senses, freedom of choice, independence, interest in learning, self discipline and repetition. Following these principles encourages children to develop a respect for life and to become productive and positive contributing members of society.
"The education of even a small child, therefore, does
not aim at preparing him for school, but for life"
(Maria Montessori)
The Montessori curriculum consists of the following areas of learning -
Principles of Montessori:
Personal, Social
and Emotional
This area of learning is about social and emotional development and well-being - knowing who we are, our relationship with others and the world.
We promote this through the freedom of exploring the environment and encouraging children to solve their own problems in a safe space where they will not be judged, disrespected or disciplined, but rather guided and nurtured in their learning. When children are treated with this care, they also develop respect for others and their environment.
Practical Life

Practical life activities help children to perfect the skills they need for daily life. Whilst learning practical life skills children develop their gross and fine motor skills, hand-eye coordination, and their concentration span.
Practical life builds on basic physical, intellectual and emotional skills that are essential for more complex learning.
Sensorial activities encourage children to explore colour, sound, taste, dimensions, size and shape. These sensory experiences allow children to understand and classify the physical properties of the environment around them.
These activities stimulate and develop the senses allowing children to enhance concentration while refining their powers of observation.
The children have ample opportunity to express themselves within the Montessori prepared environment leading to the development of language skills and a widening of their vocabulary. They are encouraged through the use of specialised Montessori equipment to explore letter sounds, supporting children to develop an understanding of letter recognition, leading to the development of reading and writing skills appropriate to their individual needs.
The Montessori mathematics materials are designed to promote mathematical awareness in through the use of specially designed equipment. These bespoke materials support children to grasp concrete ideas such as size and quantity, which lead on to more abstract mathematical concepts such as addition and subtraction.
Through the use of the materials, children acquire a love of numbers and have within them a desire to explore numbers and their equivalent in their environment.
Creativity is fundamental to successful learning. This enables children to make connections between all curriculum areas and extend their learning through enhancing their imagination.
We promote creativity in every area of the curriculum, especially through music, movement, art, role-play, imaginative play and story telling.
The Montessori cultural area allows children to explore the world they live in through a variety of activities in history, geography, anthropology, biology and science.
Children have access to maps and flags of the world, science experiments, food tasting from different countries and activities that allow exploration of the natural world. Cultures from around the globe are explored and celebrated.

For more detailed information about how Montessori works with the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS),
please read the document Guide to the Early Years Foundation Stage in Montessori Settings.
Guide to the Early Years Foundation Stage in MONTESSORI Montessori settings